The project "Creation of Integrated Accessible Tourist Marine Destinations" of the Operational Program “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation” of the NSRF 2014-2020, with an initial budget of €15,000,000, is based on the exploitation of the development potential of the country's coastline.

The project concerns the supply and installation of non-permanent assembling mechanisms for the autonomous access to the sea for persons with disabilities and persons with limited mobility. The project includes the installation of auxiliary facilities such as removable changing rooms, portable sanitary facilities, corridors, shading and protection areas for bathers, as well as the creation of parking areas for disabled persons, in order to create integrated tourist accessible sea destinations.


The aim of the project is to ensure accessibility to the sea for people with disabilities and people with limited mobility, such as elderly people, pregnant women, people with temporary injuries, as well as to promote Greece as an accessible sea tourism destination.



Accessible beaches offer equipment and infrastructure (such as ramps, walkways, changing rooms, etc.) that allow people with disabilities
and people with limited mobility, to enjoy the sea without restrictions.


People with disabilities and people with limited mobility are given the opportunity to participate in beach activities with family and friends, enhancing the quality of life for everyonel.


People with disabilities and people with limited mobility can engage in activities such as swimming that contribute to their physical and mental health.


Accessible beaches contribute to the development of the local economy by attracting visitors with disabilities, as well as visitors with limited mobility, such as elderly people, pregnant women and people with temporary injuries.


Today, more than 250 beaches all over Greece are becoming accessible for everyone! Let's try to establish the right of inherent dignity in everyone's lives. Let us give respect and value to each and every one of us. Because ensuring equal access to the sea is a human right and an obligation of every civilized place.

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